Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Phase one is almost over

If all goes well, Isaiah will complete the induction portion of his treatment on May 9th, which means he gets a break from the steroids!  For how long?  I don't know yet.  One phase at a time.  I do know that after phase 1, he gets a three day break from everything.  

This week, he has become frustrated with eating.  He is extremely hungry because of the steroids but is not satisfied with the taste of food.  The chemo makes food taste "tinny" and bitter.  He has also had problems chewing and swallowing.  He will ask for something, take one bit, then ask for something different.  Only foods that are high in salt are pleasing to him.  He constantly asked for pickles, chips, hotdogs and french fries.  Unfortunately, they don't want us to give him too much salty food.  
But I sometimes do!


  1. Hi Renee, thanks so much for doing this blog. I don't know where you find the time to update it, considering you are cooking, buying, and serving Isaiah food all day. And oh, right, you have another child, too. Wow. You are amazing! Don't forget we all love you and are lifting you and Dave up in prayer every day...on eagle's wings.


  2. awwww.. that is such a full-hearted, committed chomp into that french fry.... God bless that little guy. And I'll say it again! Praying for God to turn the bitter food sweet, just like He did for the Israelites at the waters of Marah and provided an abundance of new springs (Exodus 15:22-27).

    That is a crazy schedule... if you explain what the DEX, VCR, MTX, etc is, I'll post it on my wall too and pray along with you each day... Daily bread for you and Isaiah!

  3. Thanks Rainbow.
    DEX (Dexamethasone) is an oral steroid Isaiah takes twice a day.
    VCR (Vincristine) is a type of chemotherapy Isaiah receives once a week.
    MTX (Methotrexate) is a drug that interferes with cell growth. It is injected into the spinal fluid.
