Wednesday, May 9, 2012

End of phase 1

Today was the last day of phase one, which means no more steroids!!!....for a while. Isaiah had his last dose this morning which means he will start to feel less hungry in a few days. It has been very exhausting this past month.  We have had many midnight snacks (meals, truthfully).

3am sandwich with mom
Isaiah's only interest has been food.  He will ask to go for car rides, only to direct me to Nana's, Grandma's or McDonald's in order to satisfy a specific craving.  He has gained over 5 pounds in the last 29 days, which is a lot for a little guy like him.  The doctors have said that it will start to drop off as he continues treatment. 

I was also informed today that his unwillingness to walk is also a result of the steroids which cause pain in the muscles.  I'm so happy that he's finished his steroids and will walk soon!! 

Today, Isaiah had his LP, where he received chemotherapy into his spinal fluid. He also had a bone marrow biopsy to ensure treatment is working.  We will get the results tomorrow. 

Isaiah after the procedure today

Making sure to lay flat for one hour after the procedure to prevent nausea and spinal headache.

Isaiah and Grandma talking about lunch

Since he is off the steroids, his appetite will soon go back to normal so we decided to indulge in a celebratory lunch at McDonald's. 

Isaiah and Uncle Anthony

Phase 2 (Consolodation phase) starts on Wednesday.  Our first month will include taking chemotherapy drugs orally every day and chemotherapy in his spinal fluid every Wednesday.

Good news today is that his ANC is normal.  This means that for the next 4 days (before it plumits after having chemo), we can go to a restaurant and be around people!  I think we will go to Saturday night service to celebrate Mother's Day.  What a gift.  Thank you God!


  1. Thanks for the update, Renee! So excited for you that Isaiah gets a break from the steroids. Enjoy it. Hopefully it will mean you can catch up on sleep a little and do a little less work as short-order cook!

  2. This update made me happy.
    Yeah I'm so happy that Isaiah is having the break
    Renee, you are doing amazing
    I respect you as a Mother!
    Take care!

  3. Hi Renee -- tried sending you a post the other night but I am so techie challenged and it disappeared on me!!!! Thanks for the updates and all the pictures. We continue to pray for you and as Charisa said -- you just might be able to catch up on some needed sleep. You guys are doing amazing and hopefully things will work out for you to make it to Saturday service to celebrate!!! Hugs to you all...Jan

  4. We are praying without ceasing everyday, Dave and Renee. Thank you for updating the blog so regularly. Yay for phase one being over! It's a tough road but you guys are doing awesome. Praise God!
    love em
