Friday, July 27, 2012


A nice time in Whistler as a family before dreadful phase 4 starts.  




  1. There isn't a day go by that I don't marvel at the beauty of the Burke family. xxoo

  2. I hope you had a wonderful time away! Looks like lots of fun. And we will pray that Isaiah's body handles phase 4 well, and it goes better than you expect. (Our God is BIG!)

  3. Looks so much fun!!
    Snow and swimming same time (><)
    Hope you had wonderful time!

  4. I am feeling very blessed to have been able to see Isaiah the other day - he looks so good with chubby pink cheeks - wow! God is at work with this little boy whom He loves so much. Praying for all of you daily - will especially pray for upcoming phase 4.
